Come along, 21st of April (Easter Sunday) as we reflect on this startling piece of history and what it means for us.
10:30am Everton Park
55 Gearside St, Everton Park Church
5:30pm Kallangur
QCWA Hall, 1431 Anzac Ave
The Hope of Eternity
Everton Park Presbyterian Reformed Church
A local friendly reformed church in Everton Park, Brisbane
by Tim
Come along, 21st of April (Easter Sunday) as we reflect on this startling piece of history and what it means for us.
10:30am Everton Park
55 Gearside St, Everton Park Church
5:30pm Kallangur
QCWA Hall, 1431 Anzac Ave
The Hope of Eternity
by Tim
Everyone likes the chocolates and the holidays of Easter. But Easter is bigger than that! It’s about a price paid, an unexpected victory and eternal ramifications.
Join us at Kallangur Bible Talks on 7th, 14th and 21st of April as we look at the historical account of Jesus death and resurrection and what it all means today.
by Tim
What do you believe about God? Yourself? Jesus Christ?
Could you explain it to others?
Behind this series is the conviction that what you believe matters. It’s the foundation for your life! In our time together we will collate the core teachings of the Bible so that we can be clear about the main things God is saying to us and the difference these make.
Series commences Sunday 24th March 2019.
by Tim
Why do people insist on having a faith in something? And what does grace have to do this any of this?
This series is exploring why God‚s grace to people who continually mess things up is so important. More than that though, we will see that this grace is not out of reach and is made freely available through Jesus. One of the greatest blessings of GRACE, is the gift of FAITH through which God brings us to eternal glory with Himself.
by Tim
This amazingly influential letter of Galatians is “the Magna Carta of Christian liberty‚. Here, Paul glories in the freedom which Christ brings from the guilt and power of our sin. The gospel we find is the key to this freedom, both as we come to Christ and live through him.
The series will be broken into three sections (chapters 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6) as we study this amazing book in 2019.