Marriage is under threat within Australia and elsewhere in the world. The biblical standard of marriage is being diluted through ‘life partners’, ‘de-facto relationships’, ‘divorce’ and more recently ‘gay marriage’.As a Focus on Marriage, we provided two talks exploring different aspects of marriage and our necessary responses as Christians to the prevailing world views.
1. Gay Marriage
Same-sex attraction is a real experience for some people, and not just because they just decided to become ‘gay’ one day. sometimes it’s something they’ve struggled with for many years.
From a Christian perspective, every person is valuable and created ‘in the image of God’ whether they struggle with same-sex attraction or not. This incredible concept applies to all human beings regarless of their struggles. A married person struggling with unfaithfulness still has great value and deserves the support from our ultimate guide to divorce mediation, same as does a single person wrestling with the appeal of ‘casual sex’.
But does that mean we should do whatever initially appears to make us happy? What are the consequences? If we do choose to make our own rules, what does this mean for the direction of our society and our children’s future?
Mark explored this vital topic in our Saturday Evening Event in April, in a public forum on ‘Gay Marriage’.
2. The Mega-Secret that Makes a Marriage
What is the biblical basis for marriage? What is required to have a fulfilling and God honouring marriage? Ken explored this important topic as a Sunday morning worship address on the “Mega Secret that Makes a Marriage”.